are some of the bigger things we have done.
We did a round of interviews, which takes seven long days. President Bonham interviews for hours, and
those always run a little behind. We haven’t had one yet that didn’t get a
little behind, but often that's because the missionaries are getting
comfortable with the President and feel like they can bring up concerns or
worries. While he is doing the official
interviews with individual Missionaries Sister Bonham pulls them out in companionships and
just gets acquainted a little bit and has them tell about the people they
have been teaching. While this is going on the Zone Leaders are
busy teaching their Zone, one half at a time. We especially loved the Zone
Leaders who spent lots of time talking about obedience, including to rules that
seem unimportant, but can bring blessings when followed. If the whole mission could catch that vision
it would be a miracle and would bring miracles. In connection with that lesson
they reminded the about the Anti-Nephi-Lehies who threw down their weapons of
war. One set of Zone Leaders had each missionary write on a
plastic knife (weapon) an example of a disobedience (their own favorite) and
throw it down at Moroni’s feet (Okay, Elder G’s trash can by his
feet). Then they also signed a “Tie-tle”
of liberty and obedience promising to follow the rules. The “tie’tle” was the backs of a tie for each
of the Zone Leaders. It was a powerful
lesson, especially because they gave examples of some small obedient changes
they had made themselves, and it had already yielded increased investigators.
Conferences. These were already on the
schedule in groups of 2-3 zones at a time, so we completed them in 3 days. We expected to feel like the groups were too
large, and that we would want to make a change for the next time, but it wasn’t
too bad and we are not sure which way we will do it next time. It is nice to do it in 3 days instead of 7. These were a series of training sessions
where President and Sister Bonham, our Assistants and the Sister Training
Leaders, as well as some of the Senior Missionaries in charge of housing and
driving, presented classes and workshops on topics related to Missionary
work. The Stake Relief Societies
provided nice lunches. The Missionaries
got to learn from President Bonham about spending their “marshmallows” wisely,
which translates to using all the resources, like time and money and energy to
help them achieve their missionary purpose. Sister Bonham taught about Priesthood Authority and explaining about the need for a
second baptism in some cases graciously, and also gave a breakout class on
healthy, quick, inexpensive eating; and exercise.
been plenty happening on the health front also, which has led to President Bonham establishing a new Mission Rule: Whatever organs you bring with you in your
body on the mission should also go home with you on the inside of your
body. Yep, a sleepless night at the
hospital leading to an early morning removal of an appendix from one of our
Elders. For Sister Bonham the tender mercy was that
when he called the night before, and she was just on the edge of trying to
convince him that he might have to endure some stomach pain until morning, she had a quiet but "couldn’t ignore" thought that it might be an appendix, even
though the pain was just up under the rib. The pain would have been more than a little
intense if he had had to endure it without any pain meds. It was certainly better to get things
progressing. Hospital timing is slow; is
anyone surprised about that?
are heading toward our next transfers.
Most of the decisions will be made this week. At least there are only two more Departure
interviews for President Bonham to give.
We will have these remaining two missionaries over for dinner on Sunday
night. We will be joined by our
Assistants, and by the new office couple.
I guess it will be a shorter testimony
meeting, and then they will depart to go with local Elders and Sisters for the
night. Then Monday morning we will drive
them to the airport. Then the next day
we will have 30 new missionaries arrive:
23 assigned to the Washington Everett Mission, and 7 who are waiting for
their visas to Brazil or Vanuatu.
is so beautiful when it is beautiful.
Going to and coming back from the interview last night was through new
territory out on an island. It is mostly
rural, lots of trees, of course, the Sound, and other beautiful bodies of
water, we were even additionally blessed by a full or nearly full moon. It was amazing! I think it has to be that great to make up
for a little of the gloomy in the winter, I’m not sure… But it was really
nice! And we rode the Whidbey Island
Ferry back across. It’s not an everyday
kind of thing for me, and I enjoyed it.
boat" along I-5 is now gone. Someone freed the boat.
Now I miss it. I am thinking of starting
a new refrain: “Bring back the
What a schedule! Good thing you guys are young :)Sounds like you are having lots of great experiences.